Horse Racing Ireland’s (HRI) equuip jockey coaching programme consists of five qualified jockey coaches, all former riders, provide mentoring and specialised skills coaching across a range of subject areas to support and enhance the career development of all licensed jockeys in Ireland.

Continuing Professional Development

As part of continuing professional development, every claiming professional, conditional, and apprentice jockey will be required to obtain a minimum of five sessions with their jockey coach per year, in addition to five CPD points obtained from engagement with any of the jockey pathway services, attendance at equuip/IHRB educational webinars or any other educational work they may be undertaking. Professional riders will be required to obtain five points throughout the year and all CPD opportunities will also be available to qualified riders.

Every claiming professional, apprentice and conditional jockey will be assigned their coach through equuip in the coming weeks.

Additional Coaching

Jockeys can arrange for additional non-CPD coaching directly with their jockey coach. Jockeys will have to pay their coach directly for these sessions.

The Jockey Coaches

Niall McCullagh ▼

To enquire about coaching with Niall, please email 


Paddy Flood ▼

To enquire about coaching with Paddy, please email 


Robbie Moran ▼

To enquire about coaching with Robbie, please email 


Derek O'Connor ▼

To enquire about coaching with Derek, please email 


Other Qualified Jockey Coaches

The below coaches are also HRI qualified jockey coaches and are available to book for additional coaching sessions outside of CPD coaching hours. 

  • Leighton Aspell 
  • Cathy Gannon 
  • Lisa O'Neill 
  • Mark Enright
  • Gordon Power

Please contact for contact details.

Further supports for jockeys

The Jockeys Pathway helps riders with their careers and as well as jockey coaching includes the following services: Career Support & Transition, Strength & Conditioning Coach, Dietitian, Sports Psychologist & Physiotherapy.

Click the button below for more details.